Regardless of age or gender, Electrolysis can bring you a smooth and healthy look, restoring your inner confidence![/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third]Women:
Hair removal can be done on the hairline, eyebrows, ear, cheeks, side burn area, chin upper and lower lip, throat, neck, shoulders, back chest, breasts, abdomen, arms, legs, bikini line, hands, feet, toes and fingers. IT is perfectly safe to treat pregnant women. I I do not treat the inside of the nose or the inside of the ear canal.
Areas of concern for men include: hairlines, eyebrows, beard lines, shoulders, back, neck, chest, ears and nose. Ingrown hairs are also a serious problem for many men and cause them constant irritation. Electrolysis can help in this area also.[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end]
- How many treatments are required…
- What is the normal growth cycle of a hair?
- Is electrology uncomfortable?
- Are all hairs eliminated in one treatment or is regrowth t be expected?
- Does electrology damage the skin?
- How should I choose an electrologist?